qmobile m88 flash file 100% Tested File Downloads


 qmobile m88 flash file 100% Tested File Downloads By modern mobile

qmobile m88 flash file
Created by Infinity-Box (c) Chinese Miracle II (c) 2017
Device Brand: QMobile
Device Model: M88
Device CPU: sp7731gea
Device IntName: M88
Device Version: 4.4.2
Device Compile: 7/31/2015 3:58:59 AM
Device Project: QMobileM88_MP_31_07
Device ExtInfo: QMobile M88
qmobile m88 flash file
Created by Infinity-Box (c) Chinese Miracle II (c) 2017
Device Brand: QMobile
Device Model: M88
Device CPU: sp7731gea
Device IntName: M88
Device Version: 4.4.2
Device Compile: 7/31/2015 3:58:59 AM
Device Project: QMobileM88_MP_31_07
Device ExtInfo: QMobile M88
qmobile m88 flash file
Created by Infinity-Box (c) Chinese Miracle II (c) 2017
Device Brand: QMobile
Device Model: M88
Device CPU: sp7731gea
Device IntName: M88
Device Version: 4.4.2
Device Compile: 7/31/2015 3:58:59 AM
Device Project: QMobileM88_MP_31_07
Device ExtInfo: QMobile M88
Chinese Miracle II  [SPD module] v 1.27

Set mode to : SP [SC773x] eMMC [Android 5.x]

Operation : Format File System / Reset Settings [ v1.27 ]
Settings: SmartFormat is On

1. Remove the battery. Insert battery back
2. Press and hold 'VolumeUp' and 'volume down' keys
 -> Alternative : just ONE 'VolumeUp' or 'volume down' key 
3. Insert the cable

 ====  Wait for phone...

Phone found! [ 6 ]
Open Port Failed!

Reconnect Power/Cable!

Operation : Format File System / Reset Settings [ v1.27 ]
Settings: SmartFormat is On

1. Remove the battery. Insert battery back
2. Press and hold 'VolumeUp' and 'volume down' keys
 -> Alternative : just ONE 'VolumeUp' or 'volume down' key 
3. Insert the cable

 ====  Wait for phone...

Phone found! [ 5 ]
Port Opened
InitBoot Done [ 0x81 ] , Ver : SPRD3
Sending FDL
[Info]: If SW freeze here more, than 15 seconds - remove the cable
FDL Ready!
Boot Ver : SC773x Android 5.x eMMC v1.0 Inf 
Boot Ok!

flash mode Set: Ok!
Checking Structure ... 
Detected eMMC Flash, Structure detect Ok!

eMMC phone detected! Will use 'Safe Format' mode!

Mount : /data
Size  : 0x00000001878FB000
State : 0x0001

Mount : /cache
Size  : 0x0000000009600000
State : 0x0001

Prepare Ok! Format Ok!
Don't touch the phone, until it fully bootup to "Welcome Screen"!


Elapsed: 00:00:23

Reconnect Power/Cable!

Set mode to SPD6530_SPD6500

Set mode to : SP [SC773x] eMMC [Android 5.x]

Infinity SC Firmware Detected
FW Size: 1118 MiB
Load Ok!

File Info
Created by Infinity-Box (c) Chinese Miracle II (c) 2016
Device Brand: QMobile
Device Model: M88
Device CPU: sp7731gea
Device IntName: M88
Device Version: 4.4.2
Device Compile: 7/31/2015 3:58:59 AM
Device Project: QMobileM88_MP_31_07
Device ExtInfo: QMobile M88

Operation : Flash [ v1.27 ]

======= Flash
Files set for flashing : 
[ MCU ] : SC77xx Infinity Package

1. Remove the battery. Insert battery back
2. Press and hold 'VolumeUp' and 'volume down' keys
 -> Alternative : just ONE 'VolumeUp' or 'volume down' key 
3. Insert the cable

 ====  Wait for phone...

Phone found! [ 5 ]
Port Opened
InitBoot Done [ 0x81 ] , Ver : SPRD3
Sending FDL
[Info]: If SW freeze here more, than 15 seconds - remove the cable
FDL Ready!
Boot Ver : SPRD 773x eMMC loader v3 Infinity
Boot Ok!

flash mode Set: Ok!

PMTManager : Load 0x17 records
PMTManager : PMT Update Ok!
Flashing now

Update BootCode : u-boot-spl-16k.bin
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Update BootCode : u-boot.bin
Erase block ... 
Block erase Ok!
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Write FSImage : pro dev.image
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Write CodeData : sc7731g_CP0_modem.bin
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Write CodeData : DSP_DM_Gx.bin
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Erase Block: RuntimeData
Erase block ... 
Block erase Ok!

Write CodeData : sc8830g_modem_CP2_WCN_14D_W15.22.3_Release.bin
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Erase Block: RuntimeData
Erase block ... 
Block erase Ok!

Write CodeData : logo_480x854.bin
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Write CodeData : fblogo_480x854.bin
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Write CodeData : boot.img
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Write FSImage : system.image
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Write FSImage: cache. image
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Write CodeData : recovery.img
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Erase Block: MISC
Erase block ... 
Block erase Ok!

Write FSImage : userdata.img
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Elapsed: 00:03:08

Reconnect Power/Cable!
Operation : Read FullFlash [ v1.27 ]

1. Remove the battery. Insert battery back
2. Press and hold 'VolumeUp' and 'volume down' keys
 -> Alternative : just ONE 'VolumeUp' or 'volume down' key 
3. Insert the cable

 ====  Wait for phone...

Phone found! [ 5 ]
Port Opened
InitBoot Done [ 0x81 ] , Ver : SPRD3
Sending FDL
[Info] : If SW freeze here more, than 15 seconds - remove the cable
FDL Ready!
Boot Ver : SC773x Android 5.x eMMC v1.0 Inf 
Boot Ok!

flash mode Set: Ok!
Detected eMMC Flash, Structure detect Ok!

[FW_READER]: Prepare Ok!
- > Wait phone connected ... 

Phone found! [ 5 ]
Port Opened
InitBoot Done [ 0x81 ] , Ver : SPRD3
Sending FDL
[Info]: If SW freeze here more, than 15 seconds - remove the cable
FDL Ready!
Boot Ver : SC773x Android 5.x eMMC v1.0 Inf 
Boot Ok!

- > Wait phone connected ... 

Phone found! [ 5 ]
Port Opened
InitBoot Done [ 0x81 ] , Ver : SPRD3
Sending FDL
[Info]: If SW freeze here more, than 15 seconds - remove the cable
FDL Ready!
Boot Ver : SC773x Android 5.x eMMC v1.0 Inf 
Boot Ok!

Model Name: M88
Model Brand: QMobile
Model Device: M88
Anderson: 4.4.2
BaseBand CPU: SP7731GEA
Project Ver: QMobileM88_MP_31_07
Model Ext: QMobile M88

[Read Mode] : HSUSB : 0x3000

[FW_READER]: Reading Firmware Now ... 

[Read Ok] : u-boot-spl-16k.bin
[Read Ok] : u-boot.bin
[Read Ok] : prodnv.img
[Read Ok] : sc7731g_CP0_modem.bin
[Read Ok] : DSP_DM_Gx.bin
[Read Ok] : nvitem_w.bin
[Read Ok] : sc8830g_modem_CP2_WCN_14D_W15.22.3_Release.bin
[Read Ok] : nvitem_wcn.bin
[Read Ok] : logo_480x854.bin
[Read Ok] : fblogo_480x854.bin
[Read Ok] : boot.img
[Read Ok] : system.img
[Build Ok] : cache.img
[Read Ok] : recovery.img
[Build Ok] : userdata.img

AndroidInfo created
Firmware Size : 1118 MiB
Saved to : C:\Users\BASITNAZEER\Desktop\SP7731GEA_M88_4.4.2_QMobileM88_MP_31_07_QMobile_M88\

Elapsed: 00:10:24

Reconnect Power/Cable!

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Please Make A Backup Before Flash Your Device.
All File 100% Tested Download And Enjoy.

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